Dear Moderator,

Welcome to my A2 Media blog in which I show the stages I have been through in order to create my main product, a thriller film trailer titled "Eye Spy" along with two ancillary tasks, an "Eye Spy" film poster and a magazine front cover called "Uncut" which features my film trailer. You'll find all of these completed products directly below. My Research & Planning posts start in September and my Evaluation begins on March 11th.

I hope you enjoy,


Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Research & Planning: Script

Trailer Script

(Light, non-diegetic music in the background)

Character 1: (Holding Camera) Heeeey, smile for the camera.
Character 2: (Hands Over Face) Stop it, get that out my face!
Character 3: Stop being such a tool.
Character 1: Come on, don't be boring.
Character 4: (Waves to the camera)

Mostly improvisation with characters because we want it to come across as a natural atmosphere

We will collect a lot of footage of the teenagers at the beginning and we will cut it down in the editing process.

Character 3: (Collapses on floor)
Character 1: (Close up camera shot of Character 3)
(All Characters Laugh)
Character 1: He's such a lightweight!
Character 2: I don't feel very well
Character 1: (Begins to collapse along with the camera) Oh shhh-

Cuts to black

(Music reaches its peak and plays over faster editing)

Characters 1,2,3 & 4: various screams 

(Heart beat sounds on the last part)

Female character: Crying

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