Dear Moderator,

Welcome to my A2 Media blog in which I show the stages I have been through in order to create my main product, a thriller film trailer titled "Eye Spy" along with two ancillary tasks, an "Eye Spy" film poster and a magazine front cover called "Uncut" which features my film trailer. You'll find all of these completed products directly below. My Research & Planning posts start in September and my Evaluation begins on March 11th.

I hope you enjoy,


Thursday, 14 March 2013

Evaluation Question 4: How Did You Use Media Technologies in the Construction and Research, Planning and Evaluation Stages?

Here is a Prezi showing all of the technologies I have used in the research, planning and evaluation stages with descriptions on where I used them and how they helped me progress in the making of my three products.

Here is an iShowU of me using the technologies described in the Prezi above,  I talk about how i've used them and how they were useful when researching and evaluating my work.

Here is a Prezi showing all of the technologies I have used in the construction stages of my three products.  Like the Prezi above,  I have included brief descriptions of how I've used them and how they have helped me progress.

Here is another iShowU of me using the technologies featured in the Prezi above.  Unfortunately, I was unable to show the DSLR and the Camcorder as they are physical aspects that I cant show on iShowU.

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Evaluation Question 3: What Have You Learned From Your Audience Feedback?

Here is a video I made with my partner on what we have learned from our audience feedback.

Here is an extra iShowU I created by myself to go into slightly more depth than on the original video.

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Evaluation Question 2: How Effective is the Combination of Your Main Product and Ancillary Tasks?

Here is a video I created with my partner to show how my products work together.  We discuss how our products have developed together in order to attract our target audience.

Here are some vox pops with three people that me and my partner did to see if our products worked together and what particular elements of our products worked best together.

Sunday, 24 February 2013

Research & Planning: Creating the Recording Box

First we created a recording box in Photoshop.

We then altered the tools settings to "Show Advanced Tools" so that we gained some extra options.

We then added our image and selected the size suitable for our video size.

We then added the "Picture in Picture" option so that we could layer  the recording box on top of our video.

Friday, 15 February 2013

Research & Planning: Film Poster Update

I've improved my poster in a few areas so that it works better on the page.
First, I've swapped the release date and the tagline around so that I projected the right area of my film,  I also added some margins to create a boarder around my image so that I didn't have anything touching the edge of my poster.
I've also made my distribution and production company logo designs bigger and put them at either side of my credits.

Research & Planning: Editing Log

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Research & Planning: Film Poster so Far

Here is my film poster so far.  I've added an extra company logo at the bottom of the credits and I'm planning on creating a few more so I can even the bottom out more.  I've also added some numbers to my image to give a more digital, stalker feel.  I've combined chains of small letters, running along the edges of my boxes, with larger letters that are spaced across the page.

Research & Planning: Credits Logos

Because we didn't have a design for our distribution company "After Dark Distribution", I decided to create a design that would be used as a logo that runs along the bottom of the credits on a film poster Like you can see above with my other design for "Hollow Mind Productions".

Research & Planning: Magazine Cover so Far

Here is an update of my magazine front cover.  In order to make my photograph more suited to my genre of film,  I decided to: make my model's skin paler, add a TV static texture to the background and add a vignette effect to the entire image to darken it up and give it a darker vibe.
I've also moved my main title to the centre of the image so that it didnt cover up my models face and I also added a slight drop shadow to it to give my cover more depth.  I also changed the subheadings below the title to make it link more to my film trailer. 
I decided that my text wasn't very clear on the page and I therefore made them a lighter shade of grey so that they can be read clearly from a distance.

Research & Planning: Changing my Magazine "Sticker"

Here is the first sticker I created.  I don't particularly like this as I don't think it fits in with the rest of my magazine.

Here is my new sticker, I've kept the colours similar throughout the image and added a boarder to separate it from the rest of the cover.

I added a red dribble to make the sticker fit in even more with my main focus.

Research & Planning: Changing My Model's Skin Tone

 First I cleared the image the best I could so that I had a clear area to work with.  I couldn't remove the scratch or black eye because I've merged the three layers together to prevent them from moving out of alignment.

 I then began to add a really pale blue colour to the skin with the brush tool.  I made sure to add more layers to my models lips because they were really red on the initial image and therefore projected the wrong feel.  I then use the eraser tool to tidy up the edges and uncover his eyes.

So that I could apply these colour successfully to the skin, I changed the blending mode from "normal" to "overlay" so that it fused with the layer underneath.

Here is the image with the paler skin tone, I feel that this has linked my image to my trailer and projected a stronger, thriller theme.

Thursday, 31 January 2013

Research & Planning: Film Trailer

This is our trailer so far, we're waiting for audience feedback in order to gain some more ideas on what sound to include over the middle section.  We have a few ideas of using wine glasses and feedback from guitar amps which we can produce relatively easily and record in college.

Research & Planning: Sound Experiments

During our lesson, we decided to play around with a few of the sound effects available to us and add them to our trailer to add themes and stings to certain areas that need heightening.

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Research & Planning: Magazine Cover

Research & Planning: Change to Colour Scheme

I decided to adjust my white and red so they weren't as severe on the page, this makes everything work together well and makes my magazine cover flow more.
     This will work well with my poster also as my captions are in this type of grey, linking the two together.  It is also linked to my trailer as I highlighted my type with this shade of grey in order to make it pop off the screen.

Research & Planning: Social Networking Feedback

I asked a few people on which slogan they preferred, three people replied with the term "It's not just a game".  

Research & Planning: Editing My Magazine Photograph

Here is my photograph that I have already started editing.  I have added a duplication of the photograph over the top of the original, desaturated it of its colour and then used the 'Multiply' effect to make my original image much darker to give it a scarier feel.  I then used a mixture of the polygonal lasso tool and the eraser to delete the background on the duplicated layer to add depth to the image which contrasts well as it's quite bright.

 Due to the lack of make up for my photographs, I decided to photoshop some realistic cuts and bruises onto my photograph so that it links more to my film poster and trailer.  I took this image of a scab and used to 'Darken' effect and the eraser tool to blend it onto my photograph.

 I also added a black eye to my model with the brush tool set on a very low opacity because I didn't want it to look too severe as gore doesn't usually get included on professional magazine covers.

Here is my photograph at the moment with my masthead for my magazine cover.

Research & Planning: Titles

"Spine Tingling" - Empire Magazine

Research & Planning: Film Poster So Far

Friday, 25 January 2013

Research & Planning: Film Trailer So Far

Research & Planning: Unedited footage

Research & Planning: Film Trailer Fonts

Research & Planning: Filming Location

This is the area in which we filmed our equilibrium / disruption stages for our film trailer.  We decided to film later at night so that it added to the creepy feel we wanted to achieve and the street lights added a glow in the background that created a sense of mystery as you cant really see whats behind our characters.

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Research & Planning: Poster Dissected

Here is a small analysis of a film poster that is the same genre as my own.  It has given me a few ideas on how to structure my own poster in order to attract my target audience.

Research & Planning: Changes During Filming

Due to a change in weather conditions, the ground is incredibly damp due to large amounts of rain and snow.  This means we will be unable to use a campfire for our scene so we came to the conclusion of keeping our characters messing around with a handheld camera, but we will introduce nosebleeds to show that there is a problem as it still fits in with our general idea and will work well with the rest of our trailer.

Friday, 18 January 2013

Research & Planning: Poster So Far

Here is my film poster so far.  I've added a small logo for my production company at the bottom and an 18 certificate logo next to the credits.  I will also add a distribution company logo and a "Coming Soon" title somewhere along the bottom.